You Become What You Behold | Week Eleven
Act(s) Now
“You Become What You Behold”
Acts 18:1-17
High place
Athens = wisdom
Pay Attention to Your Attention | Week Nine
Act(s) Now
“Pay Attention to Your Attention”
Acts 16:1-15
Paying attention led Paul to ...
A Day in the Life | Week Seven (Lorain Campus)
Act(s) Now
“A Day in the Life”
Acts 16:16-40
A place of prayer
“These ...
Holy Vessels | Week Two (Lorain Campus)
Act(s) Now
“Holy Vessels”
Acts of the Apostles
Mary mother wh...
Simon Says - Week Five | Lorain Campus
People Meeting Jesus
“Simon Says”
Luke 7:36, 39-47
Simon and Jesus’ pickleball game:
Flood Watch - Week Four (Lorain Campus)
Discipleship Questions
“Flood Watch”
Luke 6:46-49
The question
Why do you claim to...