Simon Says - Week Five | Lorain Campus
People Meeting Jesus
“Simon Says”
Luke 7:36, 39-47
Simon and Jesus’ pickleball game:
Simon invited | Jesus accepted
(false pretense) (willing participant)
Simon thought | Jesus answered
(condemnation) (revelation)
Simon says | Jesus presented
(Say it) (a parable)
Simon heard | Jesus invited
(debt ledger) (debt forgiver)
What is Jesus saying?
“You are seen”
“You are heard”
“You are known”
“You are forgiven”
LifeGroup Questions: Applying the Teaching to Our Life
- Begin Life Group with prayer - invite the Holy Spirit to speak and move among you.
- Ice breaker: What’s your favorite game that includes the use of a paddle or racquet? Why do you love it or hate it?
- Looking at the stories of people meeting Jesus in this series (including the current text), which person have you most identified with and why?
- Look at John 3 and do some comparison and contrast between Nicodemus and Simon - the only 2 Pharisees who are recorded and named having an intimate encounter with Jesus. Share what you discover.
- Descart once said “I think, therefore I am” meaning “I am thinking, therefore I exist.” How do we allow our thinking, wisdom and prejudices to get in the way of seeing Jesus for who He truly is - just like Simon?
- What leads us to thinking that our debt is smaller compared to others? How do we do the same thing to other people around us?
- How can we get to a place of proper thinking about our own sin and allow Jesus to speak to our thoughts and even change our thoughts to agree with His insight?
- End your time asking Jesus to see your thoughts, expose misconceptions and bring clarity so that we can live rightly before Him - humble, surrendered and full of grace and compassion: just like Him!
Core CHRIST-like Characteristics: Relates with Other-centered love, Living Surrendered