A Day in the Life | Week Seven (Lorain Campus)
Act(s) Now
“A Day in the Life”
Acts 16:16-40
A place of prayer
- Shouting
- “These men are servants of the Most High, telling you the way to be saved”
A marketplace
- Attack
- “These men are Jews…advocating customs unlawful for us Romans…”
A prison
- Adoration
- “About midnight…praying and singing…and the other prisoners were listening”
A home
- Hope
- “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” | “Believe in the Lord Jesus”
An exit
- Refusal
- “No! Let them come themselves and escort us out!”
A church
- Encouragement
- “They met with the brothers and sisters and encouraged them”
“Who are you?”
“I am a son of the Living God, and Jesus is His name!”
- The Insanity of God, Nik Ripken
Core CHRIST-like Characteristics: Loving God, Loving People, Living Surrendered - it’s all here in this account!
LifeGroup Questions: Applying the Teaching to Our Life
- Begin Life Group with prayer - invite the Holy Spirit to speak and move among you.
- Ice breaker: What is the craziest day you’ve had recently, or ever? Tell the story of your epic “day in the life”
- For Paul and Silas, that day was supposed to be the place of prayer then back to the church gathering place at Lydia’s yet the unexpected occurred. How do you deal with what God knows is coming and we see as an interruption?
- Have you ever been attacked based on your ethnicity and/or religion? How did you deal with it? What did you learn? How does Paul’s instruction to these very believers in Philippi, years later, give us some clues: Philippians 4:4-9
- Adoration of our Lord in the dark night of suffering is not something that comes naturally. Neither does a firm stance in the face of opposition. How does one do this?! How was Jesus a model for Paul & Silas and us? (from our daily devos: Mark 14:26, 32-42, 60-62; Luke 22:49-51)
- In the jail scene - who was the true captive - the Jewish duo or the jailer? How can we see people differently so that we view their own captivity with compassion and prayer and conversation?
- In this story, the jailer “believed” - this is one of our 5 B’s! How did Paul and Silas live out the other B’s in other parts of the story - (Build, Bring, Belong, Believe, Become). Look for “fulfilling the mission” for more on the B’s = https://opendoor.tv/about/
- End your time asking Jesus to open your eyes to how you live your days! Ask Him to bring the place of prayer more into your routine, to prepare you for the unexpected moments in the marketplace, to fill you with His Spirit to be a witness of prayer and song in the dark times of seeming bondage and to use you to bring freedom to others through Jesus alone and encourage them in their growth making you a discipler! That’s a lot, but let’s follow Jesus well and ask so we might receive!