Year-End Giving Project

Kickoff to Hope in Burundi, Africa

(The poorest country in the world as per GDP per capita, and considered one of the least developed countries. Burundi was ranked as the World’s saddest nation by the most recent World Happiness Report.)

The mission of Kickoff to Hope in Burundi is to help develop impoverished and disadvantaged people in two ways: to find Jesus and to help them build a sustainable future. For the last several years, God has led the ministry to assist hundreds of vulnerable women (such as former prostitutes who accepted Jesus, abandoned women, widows, etc.). All these women are now being discipled as well as trained in different skills (sewing, shoe making, agriculture, etc.) as a means to provide for themselves and their families. This is accomplished in partnership with the local church.

One of the main needs that these women are now facing is safe housing! Many of them live with their entire family in a small straw hut. This is very dangerous as fire can quickly destroy these make-shift homes making it very difficult for the children to get out quickly. These houses are also prone to leak or are destroyed during the rainy season. This then results in leaving these families homeless and exposed to the elements.

It is our goal to bless the women and their families in Burundi with 15 houses! Each house costs $1,500. Any gifts received beyond our initial goal to bless the families in Burundi will go towards our year-end deficit to impact more lives.


Dec 31 2023


All Day
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