What to Watch for When Tempted - Week Three
Fighting for Your Life
“What to Watch for When Tempted”
Luke 4:5-8
In every temptation there is a bigger picture and a greater danger than you can see.
That’s why Jesus repeatedly warned his disciples to watch…
- Watch out for what Satan does:
Watch out for:
- where Satan tries to take you
- what Satan tries to show you
- what Satan tries to say to you
- what Satan tries to promise you
- where Satan tries to attack you
- Satan’s temptation is an attack on Jesus’ relationship with the Father.
- what the greater danger is:
- intimacy with God; ability to save
- Watch what Jesus does:
- Fights with the Sword of the Spirit: the Word of God
- To use the Word we have to know the Word
- Watch for the bigger picture:
- Character of God
- Will we trust God?
- Jesus’ response is an affirmation of His relationship with the Father.
- Worship deepens
- Worship of God
- Everyone worships something or someone.
- Worshipping God is our response of love and loyalty to Him alone for who He is and what He’s done.
- Worship is a choice.