What is the Kingdom of God? | Week One

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Kingdom Come

“What is the Kingdom of God?”

Luke 8:1


  1. Confusion about the Kingdom
    1. Unfamiliar with kings and kingdoms
    2. Incomplete understanding
  2. Clarity about the Kingdom
    1. The King
    2. Who reigns (His sovereign will is done)
    3. with power and authority
    4. in a realm (wherever King’s will is done)
    5. through His people

The Kingdom of God is where God’s will is done by God’s people through God’s power.

  1. Coming of the Kingdom
    1. The Kingdom of God comes in stages:
      1. Prophesied Stage
      2. Inaugurated Stage
      3. Fulfilled Stage
    2. The fundamental task of the Church is to make visible the invisible Kingdom of God.
      1. Pray for the Kingdom to come
      2. Live out the King’s will

The kingdom of God comes in and through Jesus, the crucified and risen King.