The Greatest Blessing - Week Two

Discipling the Next Generation

“The Greatest Blessing”

Luke 2:22-39

The primary task of parenting: to nurture God-centered children.

The primary task of discipling: to help someone become like Christ (the best model of a God-centered life.)


Christianity is always one generation away from extinction.


God’s Plan to parent/train Israel to live God-centered lives:

  1. Scripture- Instructions for a God-centered life
  2. Loving discipline to train God-centered lives
  3. Customs & ceremonies that emphasize a God-centered life
  4. Prayers to develop a God-centered life
  5. Physical centrality of the Tabernacle
  6. Feasts and Festivals celebrating God’s blessings
  7. Daily practices to keep God central


A Plan for today to parent/train your children to live God-centered lives:

  1. Reading and teaching the Bible
  2. Loving and appropriate discipline
  3. Meaningful customs & ceremonies
  4. Build prayer into the day
  5. Participate in weekly Church services
  6. Special events and meals
  7. Daily practices and discussion


The greatest blessing you can give is to show someone how to live a vibrant, God-centered life.