The Greatest Blessing - Week Two
Discipling the Next Generation
“The Greatest Blessing”
Luke 2:22-39
The primary task of parenting: to nurture God-centered children.
The primary task of discipling: to help someone become like Christ (the best model of a God-centered life.)
Christianity is always one generation away from extinction.
God’s Plan to parent/train Israel to live God-centered lives:
- Scripture- Instructions for a God-centered life
- Loving discipline to train God-centered lives
- Customs & ceremonies that emphasize a God-centered life
- Prayers to develop a God-centered life
- Physical centrality of the Tabernacle
- Feasts and Festivals celebrating God’s blessings
- Daily practices to keep God central
A Plan for today to parent/train your children to live God-centered lives:
- Reading and teaching the Bible
- Loving and appropriate discipline
- Meaningful customs & ceremonies
- Build prayer into the day
- Participate in weekly Church services
- Special events and meals
- Daily practices and discussion
The greatest blessing you can give is to show someone how to live a vibrant, God-centered life.