The Gospel is Offensive | Week Fourteen

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Act(s) Now

 “The Gospel is Offensive”

Acts 21-23


We are all born into a cultural moment.


Paul embraced a life that was contrary to what the world around him offered.


The way we live should stand out as starkly different.


Common Categories of Christians:

The Add-on Christian: COMFORTABLE



The Fearful Christian: SAFE



The Prideful Christian: RIGHT



The Immature Christian: YOUNG



The call to “live is Christ” is the call to let your light shine.

  • LIVE for Jesus in ALL areas of your life.
  • You are NOT called to a compartmentalized


Your life should cause people to wrestle with their eternity.



Supporting Scripture

1 Corinthians 11:1 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. 


Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.


Galatians 2:20; Matthew 5:14-16; 1 Corinthians 1:18



LifeGroup Questions: Applying the Teaching to Our Lives


  1. What stood out from the message today?


  1. When historians look back at our time in history, what are some things that they would say define our cultural moment?


  1. What are some of the ways Paul embraced a life that was contrary to the cultural norms of the day?


  1. What was Paul’s big offense that got him into such trouble?


  1. READ I Corinthians 11:1 & Philippians 1:21
    1. How do these verses connect? What do they mean for us?


  1. There were four categories mentioned that represent most Christians today; The Add-on Christian, The Fearful Christian, The Prideful Christian, The Immature Christian.


    1. What are some indicators of each of these types?
    2. What are the dangers?
    3. Which category do you resonate and struggle with the most?


  1. What are ways you struggle to let your light shine in all areas of your life? Have you compartmentalized your faith?


  1. Your life should cause people to wrestle with their eternity because of how you live.


    1. A life lived for Jesus will force people to have to reckon with Jesus.
    2. Are you living in such a way as to bring forth a reckoning in the hearts of the lost?
    3. How can you grow in this area?


  1. UNPACK this idea: The Gospel is relevant in every culture because it transcends culture.


  1. What are some next steps YOU can take based on the lessons learned in Acts this week?