The Adventure of Giving Like Jesus – Week Five

Sermon Notes

Adventure of Trust
“The Adventure of Giving Like Jesus”
2 Corinthians 8:1-9

Giving is a discipleship issue.

Disciples of Jesus who give like Jesus are:

  1. Motivated by grace
    • Not by duty
  2. Giving as stewards of God’s resources
    • Not as owners of their own resources
  3. Filled with joy
    • Not with regret
  4. Focused on serving others
    • Not serving themselves
  5. Driven by love
    • Not by pressure
  6. Surrendered to God
    • Living surrendered is living in a perpetual “Lord, I give you my heart; have your way in me” mindset
  7. Living the Adventure!
    • Living surrendered is the only way to live in the Adventure of Trust

Core CHRISTlike Characteristic: Trustworthy Steward of God’s Resources/Living Surrendered


LifeGroup Questions

  1. Check in: How has God been using your devotional time?
  2. Icebreaker: What is the best gift you’ve ever given?
  3. What one word would you use to describe your giving?
  4. What blessing is there in giving?
    How have you experienced this blessing in your own life?
  5. What’s the difference between giving more than you can afford and spending more than you can afford?
  6. How do you define generosity?
    How does that compare with how God defines it?
    (Check out Luke 21:1-4 for Jesus’ definition.)
  7. What would you say is your main motivation for giving?
  8. How do you know when to give?
  9. Looking at the mock planning form, what (if anything) seems to be out of balance?
  10. What would you tell this family to help them use, save and enjoy their money better?