Solid in the storm - Week Four (Vermilion Campus)
Discipleship Questions
“Solid in the storm”
Luke 6:46-49
Question: Do your actions reflect a life ruled by Jesus?
Jesus doesn’t require obedience because “I said so.”
He desires obedience because a storm is about to blow.
Jesus didn’t promise us safety FROM the storm.
He promised a place to stand solid IN our storm.
God uses His faith-fullness in our storms to encourage others in theirs.
Question: Will you stand solid in the storm?
LifeGroup Questions: Applying the Teaching to Our Lives
- What is the craziest storm (blizzard, tornado etc.) you’ve encountered in your life?
- Jesus often uses everyday images like sand, stone and storms to teach his followers. What stands out to you about a house built on sand vs. stone?
- Name some common ways people call Jesus “Lord” but don’t follow his teachings.
- What are some sand-like foundations you have built your life on? How did they hold up under difficulty?
- If Jesus warns us that a storm bent on destruction is coming, why are so many Christians surprised when it comes? What needs to change?
- Who is someone that has modeled a life of standing solid on Jesus teachings even during extreme difficulties? How has that encouraged you?
- What is a storm (current or past) that challenged your faith in Jesus teachings?
- How are you sharing God’s faithfulness during storms in your life to encourage other members of this church?
CHRISTlike Characteristic: All of them! This is all about becoming like Him completely.