Once you get it, you’ll give - Week Seven (Vermilion Campus)

Expanding Your Circle of Love

“Once you get it, you’ll give it”

Luke 6:37b-38
















Lifegroup questions:

  1. Do you believe there are things that are unforgivable? Explain.
  2. Read Matt. 18:21-35. Who is speaking? According to this can I lose my salvation if I don’t forgive someone?
  3. How do I know when I’ve truly forgiven someone?
  4. Jesus commands his followers to be givers. Would you say you come to church to primarily give or receive? Explain.
  5. Some ways to be generous with our lives included giving our time, attention, thoughts, words, and influence. Who has been a shining example of some of these to you?
  6. What is a failure, wound or burden you received in life that Jesus has transformed as a gift to be given to help others?
  7. According to Luke 6:38, what WILL change if we are dedicated to giving our lives more than receiving? How might this change our church?
  8. Will you commit to forgiving always and giving your life extravagantly? What needs to change today?


Christ-like characteristic: Relates with other centered love.