Hopeful in the Horrible | Week Six
Act(s) Now
Hopeful in the Horrible
Acts 6:1 - 7:60
- The Horrible emerges from a superficial story (Acts 6:39; 51-53)
- The set-up (Acts 6:9-15)
- The stoning (Acts 7:54-60)
- Hope in the Horrible comes from the ability to see the story behind the story (Acts 6:15;7:55,60)
- See the move of God (Acts 7:55)
- See the pattern of resistance (Acts 7:51-53)
- See yourself in the story (Acts 7:55,56)
- Seeing comes from filling
- Pursue things that eternally matter
- Grace (Acts 6:8)
- Wisdom (Acts 6:3)
- Power (Acts 6:8)
- Faith (Acts 6:5)
- Holy Spirit (Acts 6:3,5; 7:55)
- Filling begins with transformation
- You must be born again (John 3:3)
- By Grace (Ephesians 2:8,9)
- Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9)
- Filling continues with sanctification
- Know Christ (Philippians 3:8)
- Connect to what the Lord has given to know Him more (Ps 119; Matt 6:9-13; Heb 10:25)
- If Christlikeness is your goal, you will not fail
- Pursue things that eternally matter
- Followers of Christ are filled to persist
- The unfortunate declaration (2 Timothy 3:12)
- We desire stones that make us known (Acts 6:3)
- The reality is that some stones will be thrown
- Built to last
- Grace - a forgiving heart
- Wisdom - connect the dots to see the Savior
- Power - courage to speak
- Faith - seeing with the spiritual eye
- Holy Spirit - enlightened and guided to an ultimate place of safety
- The unfortunate declaration (2 Timothy 3:12)
- Persistence in Christ leads to promotion of Christ
- The story is not about Stephen
- The story is about Stephen’s Savior
LifeGroup Questions: Applying the Teaching to Our Life
- Icebreaker: What is the headline of your week?
- What is one thing that stuck out to you from the sermon?
- In what ways are you actively pursuing Christ?
- How does the priority of pursuing Christ change our outlook on things that are “Christian”? Ie. church attendance, prayer, reading your Bible
- Can you identify an area of your life where persecution has or is most likely to occur? How have you prepared for it?
- What was meant by seeing the story behind the story? Why is that important in a believer’s life?
- How does persistence in Christ lead to promotion of Christ?
- What is one area that Stephen was filled with that you would desire more?