Growing in Spirit-led Serving - Week Six
What’s Your Next Step?
“Growing in Spirit-led Serving”
Mark 10:45; Romans 7:6; Galatians 5:13-25
One of the indications that a person is full of and led by the Holy Spirit is how they serve others.
As we grow in becoming a Spirit-led Servant we will progress through the stages of growth:
- Beginning in Christ as a Spirit-led Servant
- Unfamiliar with the Holy Spirit
- Unaware of SHAPE
- You’ve been “SHAPEd to Serve”
- Young in Christ as a Spirit-led Servant
- Discovering your SHAPE
- Inexperienced with the Holy Spirit
- Serving to grow
- Maturing in Christ as a Spirit-led Servant
- Developing your SHAPE
- Learning to be led by the Holy Spirit
- Serving as a lifestyle
- Reproducing in Christ as a Spirit-led Servant
- Living led by the Holy Spirit
- Maximizing your SHAPE
- Servant leader
We become more like Jesus as we learn to be led by the Holy Spirit to serve others.
Core CHRISTlike Characteristic: Spirit-led Servant/Living Surrendered