Growing as a Trustworthy Steward - Week Seven

What’s Your Next Step?

“Growing as a Trustworthy Steward”

Luke 16:1-13


  1. Beginning in Christ as a Trustworthy Steward


God is the Owner


We are the Stewards.


Possible next step: Do an “It All Belongs to God Audit


What is a Trustworthy Steward? One who faithfully manages what God has entrusted to them.


  1. Young in Christ as a Trustworthy Steward


Learning to trust


Learning to tithe


Possible next step: Start tithing.


  1. Maturing in Christ as a Trustworthy Steward


Expanding Stewardship


Discovering Generosity


Possible next step: Give it Away exercise


  1. Reproducing in Christ as a Trustworthy Steward


Sowing into people.


How was Christ a Trustworthy Steward? He was faithful in everything God gave him to do.


What’s Your Next Step as a Trustworthy Steward of God’s Resources?



Core CHRISTlike Characteristic: Trustworthy Steward of God’s Resources//Living Surrendered