Grow - Week Five (Avon Lake Campus)

Discipling the Next Generation

Luke 2:40; 52
Philippians 2:6-7


  • Jesus was able to grow because He willingly gave up His divine privileges.
    • Even though Jesus was fully God, He chose to limit Himself for the sake of His mission.


  • Jesus' life was marked by growth.
    • Grew in wisdom → Wisdom is knowledge applied (Wisdom is gained through experience.)


  • Grew in stature → He experienced physical growth.


  • Grew in favor with God and man.


  • Jesus became human to show us how to be human.


  • Take Home Truth: _____________________________


  • Cultivate growth in yourself: Personal growth



  • Cultivating growth in the home: Parents



  • Cultivating growth in the workplace: Leaders




LifeGroup Questions: Applying the Teach to Our Life

  1. What stood out from the message today?
  2. What can we learn about God from the passage we looked at?
  3. Jesus gave up His divine privileges, why is that important?
  4. What are some of the ways Jesus grew?
  5. Tell of a time in your life where you grew in wisdom through an experience.
  6. What does it look like for you to “keep growing?”
    1. How are you cultivating growth in your own life?
    2. How are you growing in knowledge applied(wisdom)?
  7. We all have influence. How are you cultivating growth in those you lead?
    1. In the workplace
    2. In your home
  8. What does it look like to cultivate growth in the next generation?
    1. What has worked?
    2. What hasn’t?
  9. If wisdom is knowledge applied, how do we foster an environment for our kids that grows wisdom?
  10. What’s an action step you will take to cultivate growth in yourself or someone else?