God’s Christmas Details - Week Three
Getting Ready for Christmas
Luke 2:1-6
“God’s Christmas Details”
Why does Luke record the kinds of details he does about Jesus’ birth?
- They aren’t details of God’s direct
- They aren’t details of the labor and delivery.
- They aren’t details of the setting.
To show us God was working:
- through secular events for His sovereign purposes.
- Common language
- Current circumstances
- Leadership decisions
- Life situations
God is working out His purposes in our world.
- through biblical prophecies for His salvific purposes.
- Jesus fulfills Scriptural heritage of Messiah
- Jesus fulfills prophetic birthplace of Messiah
- Jesus fulfills kingly lineage of Messiah
God is working to save us and sanctify us.
- through specific details for His strategic purposes.
- The right place
- The right people
- All at the right time
God draws people to the right place at the right time.
God is working out His purposes in our lives with perfect timing. Trust Him.