Flipped Satisfaction - Week Two
“Flipped Satisfaction”
Luke 6:21 and 25
What satisfies you and where does it come from?
- Satisfaction comes from meeting a desire or hunger.
- How desires are met reveals where you believe satisfaction comes from.
- Jesus flipped the understanding of satisfaction from the natural to the spiritual.
He did so to provide clarity and depth of what brings satisfaction to the soul.
Hunger is healthy. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
- Reveals need (our sin)
- Reveals dependence (our solution)
Hunger is meant to be satisfied… (1 Corinthians 2:14, Luke 4:18-20, John 14:6)
- in the right manner.
- with the right things.
- Natural things can never satisfy spiritual hunger.
Hunger Suppressants
- Delay (our will)
- Distract (our lusts)
- Dilute (our priorities)
The Woe = exclamation of pain, discomfort, and unhappiness.
Believing temporal pleasures will result in satisfying an eternal need.
The Blessing = happy and fortunate
Our eternal need is satisfied through a relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Are you hungry now? (Psalm 107:9)
Core CHRISTlike Characteristic: Spirit-led Servant (only by the Spirit can we attend to spiritual things)
LifeGroup Questions: Applying the Teaching to Our Life
- What are some of the emotions that accompany natural hunger? Do you find any parallels to the emotions you experience when spiritually hungry? How so?
- How is spiritual hunger healthy for our daily walk?
- Who is the source of satisfaction for the eternal need? As a group, list and thank Him for how He satisfies the longing soul.
- What type of “suppressants” offered by culture most plague you from paying attention to your spiritual hunger?
- What are some healthy ways you meet spiritual hunger?
- As one who has received the blessing of a relationship with Christ, how should the significance of eternity compel you to act towards those yet to receive?