Faithful in the Waiting | Week Two (Elyria Campus)
Act(s) Now
Faithful in the Waiting
Acts 1:12-14
If we want to see a move of God, we must be willing to wait on God.
How can we wait faithfully? Waiting faithfully means waiting with…
- …active obedience. While waiting, follow what God has already
- …one another. While waiting, find support in the community of faith.
- …expectant prayer. While waiting, keep your eyes off of yourself and look to God.
Why does God’s plan involve waiting? In waiting, we learn that…
- God does not carelessly
- God wants us to depend on Him.
- God has a purpose for your waiting.
Take Home Truth: God wants us to wait faithfully because He wants us surrendered completely.
Core CHRISTlike Characteristic: Trustworthy Steward