Easter Questions

Sunday, April 09, 2023

Easter 2023

“Easter Questions”

John 20


Easter raises a lot of questions that need to be addressed.

Why should I believe that Jesus was resurrected?


  1. The Empty Tomb
    1. Even with huge stone securing it
    2. Even with soldiers guarding it


  1. The Body of Jesus
    1. Dead®buried®missing®alive
    2. Produce dead body=disprove resurrection


  1. The Grave Clothes
    1. Empty
    2. Unmoved


  1. The Eyewitnesses
    1. Ten separate appearances
    2. Over 500 people


  1. The Changed Lives
    1. From grief to joy
    2. From cowering to courage
    3. From despair to hope
    4. From ________ to _________


What should I do because Jesus was resurrected?

  1. Trust Jesus
  2. Follow Jesus