Clarifying our Primary Task - Week One
Discipling the Next Generation
“Clarifying our Primary Task”
Luke 2:21
2020-2030 is the Decade of Discipleship
- Obeying Jesus’ command to “go make disciples” necessitates making disciples of each succeeding generation.
Being a disciple…
…who makes disciples…
…who make disciples…
- Parenting IS discipleship.
- Every parent is discipling/training their kids.
- The question is: “training them to be & do what?”
- Parenting is “discipling the next generation.”
- Why does the Gospel of Luke even bother to mention circumcision?
- It was a physical sign of the covenant between God and the Jewish people.
- It was a part of God’s overall training plan for His children.
- It was a custom to be observed in every succeeding generation.
- It was an act of parents obeying God.
- It was always done with naming the child.
- Identity: Who we are
- Belonging: Whose we are
- The lesson for us is not circumcision, but to see that:
- Jesus’ parents were committed to parent Jesus like God had commanded.
- Jesus’ parents provide a great model for godly parenting.
- The primary task of parenting: to nurture God-centered
- The primary task of discipling: to help someone become like Christ (the best model of a God-centered life.)