Called by Name – Week One (Vermilion Campus)

Sermon Notes

Getting Ready for Christmas
“Called by Name”
Luke 1:57-66

Names are essential to our identity.

Naming reveals authority and intimacy.
• To know who we are.
• To know whose we are.

God cares about your name because God cares about your call.
• To hear it.
• To believe it.
• To follow it.

good name is born when you believe a good God has called you by name.

Core CHRISTlike Characteristic: Trustworthy Steward of God’s Resources/Living Surrendered


LifeGroup Questions

  1. As a group, share your FULL names. What stories/family heritage surround your name?
  2. Try to name many of the significant characters in the Bible. Was there a meaning attached to their name? Did God rename them? Why?
  3. Naming reveals authority and intimacy. Are there names others have given you (or maybe you’ve given them to yourself) that you’ve given authority in your life? *Think lazy, bad mom/dad, failure etc.What needs to change to have a “good” name?
  4. John’s name is significant because his call was so important. How has God’s call on your life changed your name (reputation/character)?
  5. Read Mark 2:13-17. Who has Jesus come to call (name)? How is this good news? How should this shape our call?
  6. As a group, conclude by surrendering your name to God’s call.