Called by Name – Week One (Vermilion Campus)
Sermon Notes
Getting Ready for Christmas
“Called by Name”
Luke 1:57-66
Names are essential to our identity.
Naming reveals authority and intimacy.
• To know who we are.
• To know whose we are.
God cares about your name because God cares about your call.
• To hear it.
• To believe it.
• To follow it.
A good name is born when you believe a good God has called you by name.
Core CHRISTlike Characteristic: Trustworthy Steward of God’s Resources/Living Surrendered
LifeGroup Questions
- As a group, share your FULL names. What stories/family heritage surround your name?
- Try to name many of the significant characters in the Bible. Was there a meaning attached to their name? Did God rename them? Why?
- Naming reveals authority and intimacy. Are there names others have given you (or maybe you’ve given them to yourself) that you’ve given authority in your life? *Think lazy, bad mom/dad, failure etc.What needs to change to have a “good” name?
- John’s name is significant because his call was so important. How has God’s call on your life changed your name (reputation/character)?
- Read Mark 2:13-17. Who has Jesus come to call (name)? How is this good news? How should this shape our call?
- As a group, conclude by surrendering your name to God’s call.