Anointed by the Spirit - Week Four

Learning to Breathe

“Anointed by the Spirit”

Luke 4:16-18a


Every true Christian has been anointed by the Holy Spirit and set apart by God.

What does anointing mean?

  • Physically, anointing in the Bible was a ceremonial act of applying olive oil on a person symbolizing being set apart by God.
  • Spiritually, anointing refers to a particular work of the Holy Spirit in a person’s life.


The anointing of the Holy Spirit is to:

  • Receive God’s power


  • Represent God’s presence


  • Respond to God’s promptings


  • Realize God’s purposes


How do I “live in the anointing”?

Live surrendered to the Holy Spirit: practice spiritual breathing.

  • Breathe in His presence and power.
  • Breathe out any spiritual toxins.
  • Be aware and attentive to His leading.