A welcome change | Week Fifteen
“A welcome change”
Acts 28:30-31
Followers of Jesus welcome change.
Becoming like Jesus means:
Welcoming Jesus
Welcoming His Word
Welcoming Jesus
Welcoming people
Welcoming Jesus
What we welcome in our life is what changes our life.
Jesus is knocking. Are you available?
Core CHRISTlike Characteristics: All!
LifeGroup Questions: Applying the Teaching in Our Lives
- As a group read Rev. 3:20. Then “open the door”. Take time to welcome Jesus. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide your time, thoughts, and responses. Surrender yourselves to Him.
- Icebreaker: If you had supernatural ability, what Olympic event would you most like to compete in?
- What does the idea of “welcoming Jesus” mean to you? How do you specifically practice this?
- What is the difference between “studying” the Word and “welcoming” the Word?
- What has been something the Holy Spirit has been teaching you through the Acts Now series? Specifically, how have you changed?
- As a group read Matt. 25:31-46. Do the words of Jesus frighten you or thrill you? Why?
- Who is not welcome in your life that needs to be visited, clothed or fed by Christ in you? What needs to change for that to happen?