A Vision for Spiritual Growth - Week Two
What’s Your Next Step?
“A Vision for Spiritual Growth”
John 15:1-8
- Jesus casts a vision for a life of spiritual growth.
- He is the Vine. The Vine is the source of spiritual growth.
- The Father is the Gardener. He’s actively working to help us bear fruit.
- We are the branches.
- We are made to bear fruit.
- Fruit is Christlikeness. (Fruit of the Spirit)
- Fruit is making disciples.
- Jesus casts a vision for the essential step of spiritual growth.
- You will only grow and bear fruit as you remain in Christ.
- ‘Remain’ means ‘stay connected’ to the Vine.
- We stay connected through the Word and Prayer.
- What’s your next step in ‘staying connected’?
- Next Step Survey
- Action Plan for your stage
- Jesus casts a vision for four stages of fruitfulness.
- No fruit (could be compared to: Beginning in Christ)
- Some fruit (could be compared to: Young in Christ)
- More fruit (could be compared to: Maturing in Christ)
- Much fruit (could be compared to: Reproducing in Christ)
- Jesus casts a vision for the goal of bearing much fruit.
- God is working in your life to help you flourish. (He’s the Gardener!)
- God is committed to do whatever it takes to produce the fruit of spiritual growth in your life. (lifting, pruning, etc.)
- What’s your next step in “staying connected”?
Core CHRISTlike Characteristic: Connected to God through the Word and Prayer