A Trustworthy Steward Tithes – Week Four
Sermon Notes
Adventure of Trust
“A Trustworthy Steward Tithes”
Malachi 3:10
- What is Tithing?
- Returning to God a tenth of our income
- A trust training tool
- Who Should Tithe?
- People in relationship with God
- Why Do We Tithe?
- To obey God by returning what belongs to Him
- To learn to trust God by putting Him first
- To support ministry and finance the mission
- Where Do We Tithe?
- Storehouse
- Spiritual leadership
- Where the local church gathers
- When Should We Tithe?
- Whenever you get paid
- How Do We Tithe?
- Gratefully
- Systematically
- Trusting God
Core CHRISTlike Characteristic: Trustworthy steward of God’s Resources/Living Surrendered
LifeGroup Questions
- Check in: How has God been using your devotional time?
- Icebreaker: If you had it your way, what is your favorite thing to do right after your paycheck comes in?
- What is something you hesitated to buy that paid off later?
- Which of these responses sounds most like you when you consider tithing:
- “I just can’t afford to tithe right now.”
- “I really don’t understand why tithing matters. The church seems fine.”
- “It’s God’s money, I can’t imagine not tithing.”
- Why do you think it is so rare for Christians to tithe?
- Have a look at the mock planning form.
Do you think this family could tithe? How? - If God doesn’t need our money, why should we tithe?
- How might your life be different if you decided to spend your money exactly as you think God would spend it if He were in your place?
- Do you find in your life that you give God the “crumbs” (of your time, of your money) or the first fruits?
- Read Matthew 6:25-34. How have you experienced God’s provision?
Share the story!