Saturday — February 11, 2023

Reading God’s Word: Exodus 19:1-20:26; Psalm 42
Memorizing God’s Word: Psalm 40:4 Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.
Meditating on God’s Word: Exodus 20:1-3 And God spoke all these words: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.
Praying God’s Word: “Lord, I only need to read the first commandment today, and already I’ve failed to keep it. How thankful I am for the perfect fulfillment of the Law in Jesus, because I know all too well my heart is an idol factory. I may not have names like Baal (the god of financial success) or Ashoreth (the goddess of sex and romance) or countless others for my idols, but I am still tempted to worship at their altars. To have no other gods before you is to let nothing else compete, and yet I find competition in my heart daily. So daily I will come, surrender my heart, and remember that what the law was powerless to do, God did! (Rom 8:3) Thank you, Jesus! You’re the perfect fulfillment of the law, and I want to be like you in every way. Help me by your Spirit. Amen!”