Saturday–August 19,2023

Reading God’s Word: 1 Chronicles 18-19; Psalm 45
Memorizing God’s Word: 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
Meditating on God’s Word: Psalm 45:10-11, “Listen, daughter, and pay careful attention: Forget your people and your father’s house. Let the king be enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.”
Praying God’s Word: “Lord, we praise You for being our King, who sits now enthroned in the heavens. All hail King Jesus! And not only do You call us Your servants, but you also call us, the Church, Your bride! Not only do we serve You, but we are invited to know You and to love You, and to receive Your love. Let us not hold on to the former things that we left behind to answer Your call! Rather, let us be unashamed in Your presence, and may we honor You with all that we are. Amen.”