Next Steps

Daily Devotionals
Becoming more like Christ.The Holy Spirit is the One who can make us more like Christ. He uses Scripture and everyday life to form Christlikeness in us. Our role is to cooperate with God’s grace at work in our life. One of the ways we can cooperate is by starting each day with the Word of God: reading, studying, memorizing, and praying God’s Word.
Reading God's Word
Slowly and thoughtfully read the passage from God’s Word each day.
Meditating on God's Word
Focus specifically on the verse highlighted for meditation.
Memorizing God's Word
Say and repeat the memory verse several times. By the end of the week, you will have it memorized.
Praying God's Word
In addition to whatever else you're talking to God about, turn the Scripture you read into a prayer.
Deepen your roots as a disciple in community.Walking alongside others in the faith is vital to our growth as followers of Jesus. Everything that Jesus taught was intended to be worked out in community, and that’s what LifeGroups are here for! We have groups of all kinds meeting throughout the week at different locations, so come find a place where you can belong!

Growing in your understanding of God's truth.“If our love for God doesn’t flow from our knowledge of God, then there’s no use in calling it a love for God” (John Piper, Think). We believe that knowing God and loving Him are deeply connected. Rather than pursuing knowledge for its own sake, we want to make disciples like Jesus did - and Jesus came teaching. Come and learn how disciples of Jesus can engage their mind, their heart, and their hands in Loving God, Loving People, and Living Surrendered.
Class Schedules
We offer a variety of different classes across our campuses, and there’s always something new to discover! Our semesters last 16 weeks and begin each Fall and Spring. Check out which classes are currently being offered!
Course Catalog
Our goal with classes is to help disciples of Jesus discover everything they need to know, believe, and do in order to grow up in every way into Christlikeness—and there’s a lot to cover! Our course catalog will give you an idea of the scope of what we’re building.
Check out everything from the books we assign and read together, to articles we discuss in class, to great online tools for learning and Bible study.
Serve at Open Door
Partnering together to make a difference.One of the best ways to get connected is to get involved. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, we have a place for you. Discover what so many of our volunteers have found: there is a joy in being a part of the mission at our church. You are not committing to anything except for one time first-serve to see if a ministry is a good fit for you!
Join the Team
Guest Services
Volunteers at our Welcome Desk help create a warm welcome for those who are new to Open Door and/or need a little help! Other Sunday-serve-opportunities include greeters, ushers, barista, parking lot hosts and more…all of whom are essential to creating a warm and welcoming experience for both guests and regular attendees.
Open Door Kids is designed to teach kids about Jesus in a safe and fun environment. We are always grateful for those willing to serve as teachers in the classrooms; overseeing check in, event planner, and/or prepping materials each week!
If you love middle and high school students, then Open Door Student Ministry might be a great place for you! There are a myriad of ways to serve in the Student Ministry including small group leaders, student hosts, playing on the worship band, and other roles.
Discipleship & Adults
Play an active role in the discipleship process of others. Get involved in one of our ministry ministries or volunteer from the comfort of your own home as one of our DIG leaders, LifeGroup Hosts or Leader.
Help us be the best church for the community, by getting involved in a number of local and global outreach projects.
Worship & Tech
Do you play an instrument or love to sing? Are you passionate about helping behind the scenes running lights or helping with our video production? We would love to get to know you and see how God might leverage your gifts to lead our congregation in Spirit-filled worship!
To join a team, click on the button for the campus in which you would like to serve.
Servant Profile
Don't know where to start?Take one of our online surveys to help you identify strengths, tendencies, gifting, and where you may best fit when it comes to serving.

Shape Survey
Giving glory to God through your unique design.Spirit-led Servant is one of our Core CHRISTlike Characteristics. Jesus was a Spirit-led servant and we want to become more like Him. The Holy Spirit has lovingly and uniquely “SHAPED” each of us to serve; this SHAPE is your Servant Profile. When we serve according to our SHAPE, people are helped, we find fulfillment, and God is glorified.
1 Peter 4:10 says “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace.”
To help you find your unique Servant Profile, we recommend you start by taking the below Spiritual Gifts assessment to help you learn about your gifting area.
After you finish the Spiritual Gift Assessment below, take the time to complete each of the following surveys to finish identifying the rest of your Servant Profile. A staff member will contact you to review all of the results. We love to help you discover more about how God has wired you to serve and help you discover your SHAPE.

Discipleship Intensive Group (DIG)
Disciple others through a Discipleship Intensive GroupJesus didn’t call us to just be disciples, he called us to make disciples. Because we repeatedly see Jesus pull aside Peter, James and John - They grew faster and seemed to grasp more fully the lessons of discipleship Jesus was teaching.
Discipleship Intensive Groups of 3-4 people are encouraged to use the Disciple Journal and to meet weekly to share with each other what they are learning in their daily devotional times and work through a series of studies that form the foundations of discipleship. Most Christians today have not been discipled and the DIG provides the perfect platform to either be discipled or to disciple others. Do you want to join a DIG? Interested or want to learn more?