About Us

Our Mission
Leading people in the adventure of becoming like Christ.We have a clear mission that comes from the Great Commission of Jesus in Matthew 28:19 which says, “Go therefore and make disciples….” Like the first group of followers, we live our lives with one focus: to be Jesus' disciples, those who are learning to become like their Master. Simply stated, our mission is to produce spiritually mature followers of Jesus Christ.
We believe it's the greatest adventure anyone could ever undertake. Won't you join us?!
Becoming Like Christ
What does it look like to be like Christ?Because our mission is to “Lead People in the Adventure of Becoming Like Christ,” the next question we want to ask is “what does it look like to be like Christ?” We have studied the Scriptures for the core characteristics of Christ’s earthly life and we have summarized these core characteristics under six distinctives. Together, they form the acronym C.H.R.I.S.T. and help us clarify what it means to live “like Christ.”
Our goal is nothing less than a community of fully devoted and fully developed Christ-followers, people whose lives reflect accurately the life of Jesus Christ while he was on earth. This is what it means to be the church: the body of Christ here and now.

The 5B's
Fulfilling the MissionBecause of the love we have for our family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc., we BUILD relationships with them, serve them, model CHRIST to them and explore what they believe about Jesus. This leads to spiritual conversations that directly relate to their spiritual questions and concerns and offers opportunities for us to lovingly share the gospel.
These spiritual conversations make it more natural for us to BRING them to a LifeGroup, Worship Service, Bring Event, or just relational activities with other believers. The more they interact with other believers, the more they experience the love of God and start to feel they BELONG. This allows them to see and hear the gospel lived out and spoken through relationships.
Throughout this process we are praying and listening to the Holy Spirit and looking for opportunities to share and explain the gospel so they might BELIEVE the truth of the gospel, surrender their lives to Christ and put their faith in Him. Once they believe, Christians who know them continue the relationship by discipling them, helping them in the lifelong adventure of BECOMING more like CHRIST.

The 6D's
Making DisciplesThe New Testament records that once a person believes in Christ, they start the journey of discipleship: following Jesus, to learn from Jesus, to become like Jesus. This journey of discipleship is a process, an adventurous process of becoming like Christ and helping others become like Christ. It is a work of the Holy Spirit and we can’t do it without Him. But He won’t do it without us; we must cooperate.
This adventure of becoming like Christ is mysterious, but not haphazard. By watching Jesus in the Gospels, a clear pattern emerges that He used for discipling. It’s an adventure that involved many steps through a variety of experiences and settings over a period of three years. We have developed our 6D Discipleship Process based on Jesus’ pattern.
We can follow Jesus’ pattern today as we become disciples who make disciples. Jesus promises to be with us (Matthew 28:20) by the presence of the Holy Spirit as we do this. The Holy Spirit is actively working to make us more like Christ and He will lead us through all of these components along the way. Sometimes the following six components are sequential, sometimes not, but they are all necessary in the process of discipleship.

What we believe serves as the foundation of why we do what we do.Staff
Meet Our Pastors & Staff
Ben Breidinger
Facilities TeamAlan Schafer (Chairman)
Andrew Holland
Deanna Melendez
Duane Miller
Jim Mindling
Jo Ann Keesor
Mark Geissbauer
Paul Doseck
Richard Hardesty
Tom Eschweiler (Chairman)
Annie Deckerd
Dave Gilmore
Jonathan Abdul
Ken Harp
Kyle Burris
Mark Geissbauer
Markos Athineos
Rita Klein
Jason & Ginger Russ
Jack Bebbington
Jonathan Abdul
Joe & Barb Hanigosky
Rob Wolf