The Holy Spirit Poured out then. Still moving now. | Week Three

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Acts Now

The Holy Spirit

Poured out then. Still moving now.

Acts 2:1-21










LifeGroup Questions: Applying the Teaching to Our Life


  1. How did God speak to you today through His Word? What are your initial thoughts?


  1. What has been your experience with the Holy Spirit (past and present)? Share a story of how He has manifested his presence in your life.


  1. Read 2 Tim 1:7. Over and over Gods Word testifies that the Spirit produces boldness and power in believers. Is this your experience? How is the Spirit strengthening you to share Jesus with others?


  1. Read Romans 8:6. As a group discuss the meaning of this verse. How is the Spirit bringing life and peace to you today? How does this truth help believers understand how to deal with fear and anxiety?


  1. How are you using the gifts the Spirit has given you to serve our church and your community?


  1. How can we cultivate an openness to the Holy Spirit’s leading and presence NOW like the disciples and early church did THEN?


  1. Are you willing to say ‘yes’ to any gift God wants to give you to share Jesus love with others?

*end your time praying for those willing to say yes and for our church to be filled with Spirit-led servants.


CHRIST-LIKE CHARACTERISTIC: Spirit-led servant *but truly ALL of them.