A cosmic collision in the water - Week Four (Elyria Campus)
Prep Time
A cosmic collision in the water
Luke 3:21-38
Heresies and the Heart: why would Jesus be baptized?
Two reasons a person might believe that Jesus sinned.
- Irresponsible interpretation of scripture
- A desire to keep distance from Jesus
- _____________________________
Easter Eggs and other curiosities: the questions that Luke forces us to ask
Your question________________________________________________
Luke is trying to draw the reader’s attention to the Exodus story as the backdrop
Homeless birds and broke people: retracing the story of god’s people
As Jesus prepares for his ministry God is also preparing his people to hear his call.
Cake Batter: The genealogy that ties it all together.
The genealogy serves two purposes
- Verifying the truth claim that Jesus is the Son of God
- To ground his Title to all of humanity
The Bird King: a peculiar inauguration
The Baptism of Jesus was both the beginning of his ministry, and also served as a sign that the King was taking humanity by the hand and guiding us towards the Kingdom
Identity and identification: Fully God Fully Human
- Jesus’ identity is the Son of God
- Jesus identifies with the Children of God
Stirring the muddy water: the heart of baptism
- Being baptized in Christ means being immersed in the depths of both human need and God's love.