5B Evangelism Workshop
When: March 15, from 9am-12pm (Noon).
Where: Elyria, Room 200
Who: Anyone and everyone!
The 5Bs are a core component of the DNA at Open Door. We believe God has called us to introduce others to Jesus, and we accomplish this in the context of relationships:
1-B uilding Relationships
2-B ringing people to church or other events
3-B elong and make people feel welcome & connected
4-B elieve in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior
5 B ecome more like Christ and grow in their faith
This class, taught by some of our Campus Pastors (Clay Wright, John Jacobs & Jason Russ) is designed to help you better understand our method and give you lots of practical advice and resources on how to live this out in your daily routines!